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Буланникова Ю.А. - аспирантка кафедры истории политики стран Европы и Америки МГИМО (У) МИД РФ
The February 17 Declaration of the Serbian Province Kosovo Assembly is an obvious breach of norms and principles of international law, above all of the UN Charter, that undermines the foundations of the international relations system. A solution to the Kosovo status issue should be achieved on the basis of a decision to be worked out with the leading role of the UN Security Council, which would fully comply with the norms of international law and be based on agreements between Belgrade and Pristina. But the unilateral declaration of independence of Kosovo bypassing the Security Council and its recognition run counter to international law and also constitute an open infringement of the basic document for the Kosovo settlement United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244. These illegal acts are an open violation of the Republic of Serbia sovereignty and set a dangerous precedent. Attempts to decide the future of peoples through arbitrary interpretation of international law and unilateral steps bypassing the UN are destructive to the collective effort to strengthen international anti-crisis potential based on the fundamental principles of theUNCharter.
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