Правовая культура в системе национальных ценностей.
Глаголев Владимир Сергеевич, доктор философских наук, профессор кафедры философии МГИМО МИД России.
Vladimir Glagolev, Doctor of Science (Philosophy), Professor, Department of Philosophy, MGIMO University under the MFA of Russia.
Статья исследует значение нравственно-аксиологических основ культуры в деятельности юриста и управленца. Подобное соотнесение имеет глубокие исторические корни и развернуто представлено как в социально-исторической памяти, так и в художественных образах и бытовых представлениях об особенностях профессиональной деятельности в данных сферах. Позитивные и негативные черты, связанные с этой деятельностью опираются на такой фундамент, как совесть. Указанная категория не поддается, как известно, исчерпывающей и однозначной терминологизации в силу своего интимно-психологического нравственного содержания.
Ключевые слова: правовая культура, национальные ценности, правотворческая деятельность, правоприменение, исторические образы юриста.
The article deals with the importance of moral and axiological bases of culture in the work of a lawyer and a manager. This correlation has deep historical roots and is represented in the social and historical memory and in images and representations about the peculiarities of everyday professional activities in these areas. Positive and negative traits associated with these activities are based the foundation of conscience. This category as we know cannot be presented in exhaustive and unambiguous terminology due to its intimate, psychological and moral content. At the same time, the formal correctness often discredits the right to manage and the authority of the state. The efforts of a lawyer and a manager in the resolution of specific administrative and legal conflicts are pursuing the ultimate goal of matching the ideal harmonization of social processes and relationships aimed at the progressive development of society and the implementation in various forms of creative potential of the people who compose it. Hence the requirement of permanent account of relationships that exist between the various spheres and nodes of public life. It is necessary to focus on «feedback» of legal and administrative action and its immediate and long-term consequences for the functioning of society as a holistic system. Interdisciplinary and integrative approaches to lawmaking and law enforcement require from the new generation specialists formation of holistic vision of the tasks of the state in relation to society and the implementation of major aspects of the prism in the optimum combination of the promising trends in the functioning of the social organism. Culture of perceiving values of social life and its broadcast on the legal and administrative levels is one of the principles of the methodology in the training of these spheres, which allows you to improve the quality of daily activities of legal and administrative structures.
Keywords: legal culture, national values, law-making, law enforcement, historical images of lawyer.
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