Актуальные проблемы современной цивилизации.
Енгибарян Роберт Вачаганович, доктор юридических наук, профессор, заслуженный деятель науки Российской Федерации, директор Международного института управления МГИМО МИД России.
Robert Yengibaryan, PhD (Law), Full Professor, Honored Scholar of the Russian Federation, Director of the International Institute of Administration, MGIMO University.
После окончания Второй мировой войны одна за другой возникли международные исламские неправительственные организации: Лига исламского мира (ЛИМ), Всемирный исламский конгресс (ВИК). Особняком стоит созданная в 1945 году и объединяющая 20 арабских стран Лига арабских государств со штаб-квартирой в Каире. В этих организациях исламские страны представлены не политическими или светскими деятелями, а национальными духовными лидерами. Главная идеологическая концепция этих организаций – «мусульманское неприсоединение», в реальности предполагающая не допускать сближение с другим, чужим миром, развиваться с ним параллельно, черпая оттуда всю необходимую техническую, гуманитарную, научную, медицинскую и другую помощь, оставаясь при этом закрытым обществом, с послушным (сам ислам означает «покорность») населением, живущим по за-конам средневековья.
Ключевые слова: ислам, государственность, исламские организации, культура, цивилизация.
“International Islamic Organizations” is a fragment from the essay written by Robert Yengibaryan, a well-known legal scholar and a doctor of law in which he focuses on recent global tendencies in the conflict of Christian and Islamic civilizations.
The author states that following World War II a number of Islamic international organizations have emerged including the Muslim World League (MWL), the World Islamic Congress (WIC), the League of Arab States with its headquarters in Cairo, formed in 1945. The key ideological concept of these organizations is “Muslim non-alignment”, meaning to prevent convergence with the rest of the world, relying upon it for all necessary technical, humanitarian, scientific, medical and other aid while remaining a closed society with obedient population.
The author informs the readers that in the international arena a group of independent Islamic organizations conduct highly specialized activities in finance and banking seeing their principal objective in disseminating Islam all over the world and helping Muslim minorities in non-Muslim countries. In addition, as part of a trend for independence from the global community, the International Islamic Court of Justice has been formed, which may demand, where necessary, to transfer any Muslim who has committed a crime into its jurisdiction. Moreover, the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation), despite that it has declared the principle of commitment to the UN Charter, tries to replace the UN in the Muslim world.
The author urges that the desire of Muslim elites to stand alone, to retain their rigid, medieval-type vertical of power with respect to their obscure, obedient population and, at the same time, to use widely the benefits of the civilization developed by a different world that they hate and look in a modern way, manifests itself in the adoption of the Universal Islamic Declaration of Human Rights, which is only superficially similar to the well-known UN Declaration of Human Rights.
In the author’s opinion, the “legal jurisdiction” of a state does not extend to any Muslims living in its territory. This amounts to the non-recognition of not only international law but also the entire contemporary world order.
The author concludes that Islam can lead to the fast growth of nationalist movements in European countries. He offers a number of measures that can be taken in order to remedy and mitigate this conflict of different civilizations.
Keywords: Islam, Muslim, jurisdiction, international organizations.
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